
Using this as a parent page for all of the random extra crap we have floating around on the site that needs to be organized. The copy from archived pages will get put on google docs so that it’s available in case we need it in the future.

About Us – deleted Dec ’23

CONfabulation is a celebration of fandom with panels and structured events. We are the internet in all its glory, come to life. We are a place to get together with old friends, discover new ones, and talk about everything that makes us squee.

Our mission is to bring together a diverse group of internet-based media fans in an inclusive environment to engage in fannish activities and foster meaningful connections. We aim to provide programming created and led by attendees, on topics drawn from a variety of sources and involving everything from detailed meta to wildly creative fanworks, encompassing all aspects of fandom culture.

We’re a by-the-fans, for-the-fans convention run by the same people who brought you Wincon for 10 great years. Wincon started out as Winchestercon in 2006, a Supernatural (the television show) fan con.

Pittsburgh 2017

CONfabulation 2017 Alumni Pin

The First Annual CONfabulation was held May 25-28, 2017 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was located at Pittsburgh Marriott City Center, 112 Washington Place, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 15219.

Click here to see the 2017 Vid Show playlist.

Chicago 2018

The Second Annual CONfabulation was held October 26-28, 2018, in Chicago, Illinois, at the SpringHill Suites Chicago O’Hare. At the end of the weekend, it was announced that CONfabulation would be returning to this same city and hotel next year, with plans to make this our home location.

Click here to see the 2018 Vidshow Playlist.

  • Approximately 51 people attended.
  • Attendee Swag Bag: [tba]
  • CONfabulation’s official colors this year were Orange and Black. The dance party theme was Halloween.
  • The charity raffle raised $467 for Center on Halsted.
  • Fandom Trivia: [tba]
  • Bad Fic Idol : [tba]
  • The vendor section of the Fandom Lounge hosted 2 vendor’s tables : [tba]