We know there’s more to see in Chicago than our beautiful hotel. If you want to plan a group outing into the city, we can help you advertise it!
A list of outings will be posted on our website and in our program book to facilitate your exploration of our wonderful host city in groups. You can check out and join posted outings, or plan and submit your own. Common outings include trips to local tourist attractions, as well as ghost tours of the host city. Anyone can submit a group outing for inclusion in the program book.
All off-site outings posted to the website, and/or included in the CONfab program book are open to any attendee, but space restrictions may apply. Extra costs related to these outings are not included in the price of your CONfab registration. Prices and space availability are always posted with the outing’s information.
If you’re interested in planning a group outing and you want to include it in the CONfab program book, on the website, or have it advertised on our social media, you must welcome any attendee who wishes to attend (though space restrictions are acceptable, so long as a first come, first served policy is in place). You must be willing to field any/all questions related to your outing. Clear pricing details must be available. To submit an off-site outing for inclusion, please fill out this form. Submissions must be received by September 13, 2023, in order to be included in the program.
A list of already-submitted outings will be available soon.